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My name is Julianna and I’m a digital marketing creator, editor, and strategist with a passion for wordsmithing. Crafting innovative, compelling content along with optimized market strategies to ensure it’s empowered to effectively resonate with my audience is what inspires me!

Market Strategy Thought Leadership Campaign Management PR/Media Relations SEO SEM Social Media Copywriting & Editing Graphic Design Adobe Creative Cloud Web development (front-end)

The power of language has always fascinated me — my love for creating cogent narratives led me to a marketing writer internship at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, where I had my first taste of the industry. With that experience to galvanize me, I leapt into pursuing a marketing-focused career path and honing my skills as a writer, editor, and strategist.

During my studies at Cornell, I had the opportunity to spend a semester in Aix-en-Provence in the South of France, where I gained deeper, experiential knowledge of global culture, society, and markets outside the United States. Although the COVID-19 pandemic cut my studies abroad short, the nuanced outlook I acquired there still informs my approach to content creation, cross-cultural communication, and accessibility.

French Spanish
HTML CSS Javascript Python

If completing my bachelor’s degree and beginning my career during the chaos and uncertainty of a global pandemic taught me anything, it’s that flexibility, communication, and a healthy dose of creativity are key to navigating dynamic situations. I’ve witnessed how innovative, thought-provoking content can change lives, which is why my goal is to continue that good work, make it great, and constantly strive for new measures of excellence.

I am always eager to learn new ways to use my passion for writing and the power of language to share knowledge, empower my audience, and make the world a better place. In my spare time, I indulge in the excitement of combining my comfort areas with the cutting edge. I get hands-on with my self-taught coding skills to develop digital bullet journals, hypertext and interactive fiction, and websites like this one!

Market Strategy Thought Leadership Campaign Management PR/Media Relations SEO SEM Social Media Copywriting & Editing Graphic Design Adobe Creative Cloud Branding Front-end web development
French Spanish
HTML CSS Javascript Python